Nordic Secondary

Proactively sourcing high quality assets from Nordic buy out funds, in the secondary market

  • Consistent investment strategy over 15 years

  • Proven strong risk-adjusted returns with very low losses

  • Proprietary sourcing with proactive, asset-driven approach

Cubera III - VII
EUR 392m
2008-13 - Realised

Cubera VIII
EUR 405m
Vintage 2017 - Invested

Cubera IX
EUR 524m
Vintage 2020 - Invested

Cubera X
EUR 807m
Vintage 2024 - Investing

Nordic Primary

Tailored Nordic Private Equity Exposure

  • Investors will gain exposure to 100-150 underlying portfolio companies, with a broad sector exposure

  • The Nordic buyout market is one of the best performing regions globally

  • Fund selection strategy is built upon decades of Nordic private equity investment experience

Cubera PE II
EUR 112m
Vintage 2018 - Invested

Cubera PE III
EUR 171m
Vintage 2019 - Invested

Cubera PE IV
EUR 85m
Vintage 2021 - Invested